Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Meneladani air


"Look at the things around you now. Which one has the strongest quality of resistance, that is survive in spite of any situation?"
"It is water, son." 
"Because water is transparent yet unpredictable. Simply shaken, but undivided.The sea, for example, looks really calm on the surface, at times, so immaculate like it conceals nothing. Only by delving into its depths, one discovers its enthralling secrets like enormous treasures, and even have grave, mysterious creatures the eyes have never seen before. It may look friendly and welcoming, but when the time comes, it can surge with rage and cause great damage to the earth..." 
"So, son. You should always be like water. Stay strong."

(page 301, Bits of Heaven, Aishah Madadiy)

Dan begitu juga pesan kawan baik, bahawa belajarlah menjinakkan laut kerana titipannya;

" A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor".

Untuk September 2016 dan bulan bulan seterusnya yang mungkin berlalu sangat pantas, moga Allah terus membimbing saya (kita) menjadi yang terbaik. Seperti air barangkali. Mungkin sekuat air, mungkin setenang air, mungkin seperahsia air, mungkin seindah air, mungkin setaat air dan apa saja sisi sisi alam yang kita peroleh banyak manfaat daripadanya. Ah, kau bisa meneladani apa saja dong!

Oh ya, semester akhir di Gombak ini insyaAllah, moga saya terus menghargai nikmat Tuhan yang banyak sekali, yelah nanti rindu eheh ;p

Moga Allah mudahkan kita (;
